Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Exercises You Need To Know To Have a Great Biceps Workout: Part 1

Let's take a look at some of the exercises that you need to really get an amazing biceps workout. Now, you may think that there is one simple way to target your biceps - the curl. In some ways you are right, but there are a huge amount of variations on the curl that allow you to include different muscles, challenge your body, focus on specific muscles, and change up your biceps workout routine so that your body does not get used to the same exercises over and over.
So, lets look at some specific exercises. The first, and the core of most biceps workouts is the standing barbell curl. This is great because it allows you to lift a heavier weight and works more of your muscle. Stand with feet shoulder width apart with a barbell at thigh level. Curl your arms as you lift the weight up to your shoulders. Lift the barbell as high as you can without moving your elbows. Slowly lower the barbell until they get back to the starting position. Make sure to keep a slight bend in your elbows at the bottom to maintain tension on your muscles. Also, do not swing the barbell up, or arch your back - this is cheating. Do 3 sets of 8-10 reps each.
Next, to compliment the barbell curl, you need to do dumbbell curls. This is especially important as it can be used to even out your arms, since often your dominant arm will do more of the work in a barbell curl. Once again, stand with feet shoulder width apart, and curl both arms up towards the shoulders. All of the same rules apply from the barbell curl. Also, if your non-dominant hand is lagging behind, feel free to try an extra set on it, in order to try and even them out.
Those are the two basic exercises you need to start on your way towards a good biceps workout. Next, I will teach you some other variations, including hammer curls, preacher curls, and inclined curls. Good luck.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What to Eat for an Effective Biceps Workout

As many of you know, a good biceps workout routine is not the only thing you need to see great results. Diet is just as important as well, and the great thing about diet is that you can vastly improve your results by changing your diet, without spending any more time in the gym. Because of this, we will look at some ways to improve you biceps workout by changing what you eat and when you eat it.
When you are strength-training, your body requires two main things to be able to build muscle: carbohydrates and proteins. To really simplify things, carbohydrates are used by your body for energy, while protein is what is used to build muscle. However, it is important to note that when you eat matters just as much as what you eat. When your body gets food, it will use up as much as is neccessary to meet its immediate needs. The rest, it will store, mostly as fat. We obviously don`t want this, which means that, if you are working out, you should be eating multiple small meals during the day. The optimal amount is usually 6-8 meals, each with enough food to last you for around 3 hours.
Next, it is important to realize that when you are performing your biceps workout, you are tearing your muscle, not building it. You actually start building your muscles when you rest after the workout, most notably when you sleep. This tells us a lot about when we should eat what kinds of foods. Before a workout, your main concern is to have enough energy to actually complete your biceps workout, and have a little bit of protein so that your body can start building muscles as soon as you finish. However, once you finish the workout, you should have some protein, preferably as soon as possible. Also, you should have some protein before you go to sleep. Good sources of protein include red meat, eggs, chicken, fish, and whey protein powders or shakes. The last one is particularly useful, as they are easy to take, and provide you with a lot of good quality protein. One last thing about protein. While many of you would immediately think that more protein will give you better results, this is not entirely true. While you should consume more protein when you are trying to gain muscle, the body is unable to use more than 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. So if you eat more than that, all the extra protein will be wasted, and may even put extra strain on the liver.
That`s it for now. Hope you guys use this information to get great results from your biceps workout. See you soon.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Biceps Workout - The Importance of Compound Excercise

Today I am going to talk about a really common misconception about the proper way to do a biceps workout, and any workout really. The misconception is that performing isolation routines will give better results than compound exercises. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that isolation routines don't work. What I am saying though, is that compound exercises should form the core of your biceps workout, and isolation exercises should only be used to push one muscle group (if you're here, we'll assume that it will be your biceps) just a little bit further.
Now, lets see why compound exercises are better as a foundation. The most important reason is time. The average person that goes to the gym does not have time to spend time working out each muscle on its own. Also, if you work each muscle on its own, you will be lifting much lighter weights, and you will be putting your body under much less stress. However, if you use compound exercises for your biceps workout, you will work out a large group of muscles simultaneously, and you will be able to lift much heavier weights, which will put significantly more stress not only on the muscles, but on your whole body. This is what we want, because it will give your body the message that it needs to start building some muscle!
Now, lets just quickly go over a few compound exercises to include in your biceps workout routine. First, and arguably best, is the classic chin-up exercise. It really works your biceps because it provides a full range of motion. Also, you are lifting your body, so you don't need to handle any weights, although you are always free to use weight belts for additional weight. Finally, chin-ups work a huge amount of muscles, incuding your biceps, shoulders, chest and back. Another great compound exercise for your biceps workout is the standing barbell bicep curl. For this, just stand up, and hold a barbell with your palms facing away from your body and your hands at shoulder width apart. Slowly lift up the barbell until you reach your upper chest, and then slowly lower it. Make sure not to swing the barbell or arch your back - that's cheating! This is a great excercise as it really works your biceps, and, if done properly, will place your biceps under constant pressure.
That's it for today. Hope this helps to improve your next biceps workout. Look out for my next post. See you soon.